Car Seat Programs
One of the most popular services offered by Safe Kids programs are Child Passenger Safety events. Through both periodic event and regular inspection stations, trained technicians can help you with your car seat issues.
Car crashes are the leading cause of injury among unintentional injury categories, so be sure your little ones are buckled up correctly each time they are in the car.
Other Programs
Local coalitions offer a variety of programming targeted to different injury prevention areas. To find out more about what is available in your community, find your local program, or visit the event calendar.
Car Seat Safety Information
Did you know that at Nebraska checkup events, trained technicians find that over 90% of the car seats they check are not correctly installed? Don't panic!!! We are here to help! There is a lot of information out there about how to correctly secure your car seat. We want to help make it easier.
Have your Seat Checked by a Tech
The best way to know you are doing it right is to have your seat checked by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. So how do you do that? Well, you can find out if there is an event near you. You can find out if there is an Inspection Station near you. You can find a Safe Kids Program near you. Or you can search for an Individual Technician near you. ​
Statewide Event Calendar
Not from Nebraska? That's OK, here are some resources to find some of those programs on a national level.
Nebraska Special Needs Transportation: Are you a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs and have transportation questions. Contact one of these Child Passenger Safety Technicians that are special needs certified.
Are you a childcare center looking for information on car seat training?
Find Online Resources
There is a LOT of information online about how to safely secure you child safety seat. Some accurate, some not so much...
Here are a few sites we recommend. Inclusion on this list does not constitute endorsement, nor does exclusion from this least mean another site is not accurate.