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Child Passenger Safety Technician Training in Nebraska

The National Child Passenger Safety Technician Training program, administered by Safe Kids Worldwide in cooperation with the National Child Passenger Safety Board and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration certifies people to assist parents and caregivers with the proper installation of child safety seats.


Proposed Dates for Classes in Nebraska

CPS technicians and instructors use their considerable knowledge and expertise at a variety of community-based activities, such as child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers receive education and hands-on assistance. CPS technicians and instructors also keep up-to-date on the latest technical information about child passenger safety through seminars and other continuing education opportunities.

  • Omaha- In person classes

    • April 15-17 and October 1-3

  • Hastings- In person classes

    • June 24-26​​​

Please note these class dates are tenative and could change.

When confirmed, finalized dates and registration links will be avaiable on this page. 

  • Grand Island- Hybrid

    • Summer Hybrid 

    • Grand  Island/Scottsbluff In-person sites

  • Auburn Hybrid-September

The certification training is offered in 2 formats, traditional classroom and hybrid. Click below to learn more about which is right for you.

*This is a controlled class . After clicking the link to register, the person wanting to take the class will have to make an online  profile in order to submit the request  to be approved for the class. After submitting the request for approval, the lead instructor will contact you by email with additional instructions.

Please read registration information on the national certification site carefully.

Before registering or requesting to be approved for a class the person who intends to take the class must create a profile on the certification website. After creating the profile, you must re-login with your new Safe Kids ID and password, search for the class,  select it and then  request approval or register for the class.


How to Create a User Profile

How to Register for Class

Can't Attend a Course - How to Change a Registration, Substitution, Reschedule, or Cancel

Printable Brochure about CPST Training (PDF)

To find classes in surrounding states, visit Find a Course Site at Safe Kids Worldwide.

If this interests you, find a class that meets your needs and schedule and sign up!  Registration works best when completed 100% online using a credit/debit card to pay your national certification fee.  Local fees can vary, so follow the directions carefully on the course listing.  Local entities may offer full or partial scholarships to help defray class costs--particularly in rural areas, so contact the course administrator to see if any options are available.​​

What does it mean to be a CPST?

Learn more about being a CPST from the "Become a Tech" section of the CPS Certification site.

Interested in becoming a certified child passenger safety technician? The Nebraska instructor team would like you to understand what this commitment entails. In order to maintain your knowledge and skills after completing the class, you will want to attend an event or inspection station within two months of class completion and actively participate in car seat check activities thereafter by attending a check event or inspection about once every 3-4 months. You will also want to attend the Nebraska child passenger safety technician update at least every two years. By attending this update, it will help you to get recertified (two year cycle with a fee) and stay updated on the latest information about child passenger safety. Child passenger safety is ever changing and if you do not use your knowledge and skills, you will lose them. Please watch these videos to see what a typical car seat check is like. If you have questions about becoming a child passenger safety technician, contact Jason Kerkman at 402-471-8749 or

Resources for Current Techs

Once you become certified, there is always more to learn. On our CPST resources page you will find information on continuing to stay current with your skills and abilities.


You always want to keep your certification profile current, so log in to the National CPS Certification site to ensure your information is up-to-date and keep on top of your recertification cycle.

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